7 of the top 10 LEED® certified factories in Bangladesh

By Zulker Naeen

Bangladesh is grossing a silent revolution by setting up continuous eco-friendly factories. About 7 #green#infrastructures for factories among highest 10 are in now Bangladesh for scoring the highest standard. And each is #garment industries.

U.S. Green Building Council, #USGBC gives the LEED® certificate for green industries. #LEED stands for ‘Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design’. Recently, #USGBC has published the updated list of LEED® certified Green #factoryconstruction, though newly industries are getting their enlistment regularly.


Top 10 LEED® certified factories in the world:

1st Position | 97 point |Remi Fashions.

2nd Position | 92 point |Plummy Fashions.

3rd Position | 90 points | Vintage Denim Studio Ltd.

5th Position | 85 points | SQ Celsius 2.

9th Position | 81 points | Genesis Washing.

9th Position | 81 points | SQ Cole Blends.

9th Position | 81 points | SQ Birichina Ltd.

To receive LEED® certificate, every factory has to meet 9 requirements. Those building materials have to be used, which emits less #carbon. Even, for further construction, the materials of brick, cement, steel also have to meet that standard. Within 500 sq. feet distance from the factory, there should have the residence, school facility, market, transport stands for the workers. This facility takes the workers less time to come at factories, which also helps to reduce fuel use as well as carbon.

To energy conservation issues, use of proper sunlight, solar power, energy saving bulbs has to be used. The factory arrangement should avoid the use of underground water by saving the rain water and water saving tap. A minimum free space should be kept also. The work environment should be friendly and up to date equipment should be used for manufacturing.

There is a total of 110 points to fulfill 9 conditions. 80 points on the ‘Lead Platinum’, 60-79 points for ‘Lead Gold’, 50-59 points for Lead, Silver, and the 40-49 points for ‘Lead’ in the certificate match. From Bangladesh, so far, about 32 factories has earned LEED® certificate for infrastructure environment. Many industry entrepreneurs are approaching to develop of #eco-friendly factories. In this case, however, RMG Industry is ahead of this rights.

#Green Factory Certification needs more branding, which may raise competition among the factory owners. They need to be aware of the LEED® #certification, as a lack of maintenance may also void the certification. It is heard that UGSBC may start their own office in our country or they may deploy a dedicated institution for this responsibility.

Hossain Mahmud